The York Medical Practice

St. John's Health Centre, Oak Lane, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW1 3PA

Telephone: 020 8744 0220

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Antibiotic Guardian

Protect yourself, your family and friends against the spread of antibiotic resistance. Become an antibiotic guardian.

Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats facing us today. Without effective antibiotics many routine treatments will become increasingly dangerous. Setting broken bones, basic operations, even chemotherapy and animal health all rely on access to antibiotics that work. Currently 25,000 people die each year across Europe from infections resistant to antibiotics, by 2050 more people are expected to die worldwide from antibiotic resistance than cancer. To slow resistance we need to cut the unnecessary use of antibiotics.  Choose one simple pledge about how you’ll make better use of antibiotics and help save these vital medicines from becoming obsolete.

Please click here and choose a pledge that feels right for you.